Saturday, May 31, 2008
To Work I Go
On a possitive side i made a new layout for my MySpace, in fact i stayed up late last night doing it... but now it works GREAT and it follows the same theme as this blog. :) which makes me so happy.
Well after work i will be back to give you the accounts of the boring day - so don't expect an interesting read, if you havent seen my pics from ireland be sure to check them out in previous posts on the right. >>>>>
Well have a nice day all you people who dont have work, and if you do have work - have an AMAZING day, hey it gives you money soo....
Will be back after 8 -once ive eaten pizza.
Aaron, Laptop Style. x
My MySpace: (Enjoy!)
Friday, May 30, 2008
So as my friend is so kind as to let me use some of his space i will be adding him to my links and i may even help him create a banner to put on some of my sites.
Hope you all go visit his site:
Aaron, Laptop Style x
Middle Night It Is
Rest of Day
Yesterday (as it is now the 30th) i stayed at home all day and i have a feeling tomorrow will be the same. - I just cannot be bothered doing anything...
I also noticed that my blog had 50 visitors in the last 2 days - 50. that is amazing! :D
Well if you are one of my new visitors please note that i update as much as i can, mostly everyday, and please be sure to head back here soon, that would be very nice!
I have had an okay day not been the best for news but you know.... it wasnt supprising... :(
Well have a nice sleep and Day
Aaron, Laptop Style...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ireland #04

I am really annoyed because blogging cost me a pound each time in ireland so i am really sorry to say that i am now home with only a few blogs. I had a great time but i am not going to do a massive overview now. I will do that tomorrow when i get some time. Have a few pictures not all exciting and i got a gift for myself. Well remembet tomorrow. Aaron mobile, back in england.
Ireland #02

I couldn't blog before cos the plane has to have all mobiles turned off. Now we are on the way to dublin town centre on a coach. I fell asleep on the plane after reading some of my book. So when we landed it sacred me. Well getting off the coach now. Oh and there will be one bit post tomorrow 9th all the pics i didnt manage to blog. Aaron. Mobile, ireland.
Ireland #01

Over today on my day trip to ireland, i am going to give you some pictures me the start, which is now, during the day, on the plane... You get the picture. Right now i'm in the car (my brothers) on the way to the airport. Its raining, hopefully it won't rain in ireland. It said it wouldn't on the news. Well thats all for now. :-) aaron, mobile, motorway to airport.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I found my YOROPEN :D!!!! - if you dont know what is google it...
I've been looking for one for ages now and i fanally found one :D
What Ive been up to in the past few days
I did my Music exam... it was okay i guess... Now just for drama like i said that one should be okay as long as i do the right stuff preparation and stuff and if i sort out all my notes. Was working yesterday (bank holiday Mon) but!- it was DoubleDouble pay :F which is just top - don't you think? Work has been boring but i should get a nice pay check in a couple of weeks! so i haven't really been doing much this and last week. Working, studying, and examining... oh and i have been spending tooooo much time on - its amazing!
Today i went to the pictures to watch Indiana Jones, it was a good film - i think i will give it a 4/5 as it did keep me awake, there is a lot of stuff going on throughout but i did think it was a bit too fantasy like... I also wondered around town with some friends, i dragged them in all the stationary stores to find my pen, i didn't find it till they all left and i thought about stationary - downstairs - W.H.Smith :D
It was windy the other day : very windy in fact - it blew some trees branches off anyway.
I've been reading another book from the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness - Outcast by Michelle Paver. Its amazing! i cant put it down, but Ive nearly finished it now so i need something new to read. I may read The Wanderers Tale by David Bilsborough. Should be good as he has brought the second book out so i am hoping it is good and then i will be able to get it in Hard back as i don't really like paperback books...
What i am going to do with my days off college
Well tomorrow i am going to IRELAND for the day with my family. Will blog tomorrow with a picture or two of my Ireland trip, maybe on the plane home, YES i am going on a PLANE how exciting! Will probably do more in the next week after my last (drama) exam i am thinking maybe pictures again (Cannot wait till i am 18 :P) I do not have to worry any more and it is amazing so also in the next couple of weeks i am going to RELAX to the max!
Next Blog
Well my next blog will probably be on the aeroplane going to Ireland tomorrow if i cant get on in the morning and then the next one after that will be on the way home or during the day in Ireland, i am just hoping they don't charge me Extortionate prices on my phone, i also forgot that i will have to have euros, but my mum saved me there by saying that i can buy some off her :D.
Well bye
Aaron, Laptop Style.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
So not long to go... i promised i would work on monday which is bank holiday - i hope i get paid extra :D that would be fun and interesting!
So after tomorrows exam i am going to celebrate, i might do that by going to see indiana jones which comes out tomorrow i think :
But yeah - not looking forward to this exam tomorrow :F feel like i am gonna fail but i cant say i didnt try! :)
Well g'night
Gangsterhood is amazing btw :) - i love it - i'm addicted to it! :D
Aaron - Laptop Style. x
Sunday, May 18, 2008
To write what?
Had an exam on friday, that was ICT, it went okay i guess, i am thinking that i did okay :)
English lit exam is on wednesday, and then music is on thursday. I am going to plan them tomorrow and tuesday. - Ahhh exams, i hate them, but i guess i do okay if i revise, whoops hehe.
Tomorrow is just gonna be a lazy revision day as i cannot be bothered doing much, i will probly have a lie in for the first time in WEEKS,.
Well i am tired so i will sleep now.
Bye - Aaron, Laptop style :) x
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Revision? What does that mean?
I have been putting off and puttingoff blogging for ages now! and now here i am. It has all been rather productive since i last blogged. I have studied my bottom off for my first exam of four tomorrow (Friday) what an awful day to have an exam! Well i think i will do preety good in that exam but the others i am more worried about, music is gonna be really hard, i am losing interest in english more and more all the time, but on the bright side i am not too worried about Drama because i get to take in something like 20+ pages of notes, in which we can practically write the essay before hand...
Tonight is a night of revision, i keep sluring my words i am that tired and i think i am gettig a cold but i will fight through!!! :)
Yesterday (wednesday) was mad!!!! Completely! The rangers fans were in manchester! I went for a good look around in town, it was amazing! The atmosphere was fantastic and you just couldnt stop smiling! Here is my picture that i took of all the blue shirts:
okay yeah, its not the best of photos, they were all surrounding a camera cos they wanted to be on TV but walking around was amazing!
After tomorrow i finish college for three weeks, and i only need to go there for my last three exams. Then once them three weeks are over i have to go back to college for 4 weeks, once they are over i get to stay at home for the official summer hollidays!!!!!! now THAT i cannot wait for!
Anyway, i best get back to my "revision" have fun!
Oh and the sun is amazing! :) Aaron. Laptop style! x
Friday, May 09, 2008
Todays +verts features the amazing song by feist. It was featured on the Ipod advert and it will be remembered i am sure by all ipod/advert fans alike, also the song will be recognised for something new, which this generation is not short of at this moment in time.
Well the song will be added asap.
A nice picture to go with the song.
Have fun
Aaron, +vert - Laptop Style xxx
The blue scheme
I does look good i guess but i think i am getting a little bored of it at the moment.
I like the logo tho, so i think it will stay for a while longer, if i get more bored then that is when i will change it.
I am making a portfolio of websites to display on the internet for my own purposes and maybe if it works out to show universities that i can make good designs.
Well have fun everybody, i will just get back to my revision now :P
Aaron Laptop Style! xxx
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Man Of Iron
Cannot be bothered with college, it does my head in! put it this way, i have not prepared for the test in ICT i havent done the HW he gave us and i havent had chance to practice my sax and... well the list goes on and on and on... and i havent revised for music jazz........
BUT! i am still smiling, and the sun is supposed to be out and warm tomorrow :) Which is always good!
Aaron. Laptop Style.
More tomorrow, maybe a mobile one ;~)
The sun was also shining today, well it still is and i am not gonna stop smiling, EVER!
Well, have a good day, my tea is ready, best go and eat :)
Bye Aaron Laptop style! x
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I taught myself something new in the world of website design! :)
I found out how to use Iframes, its basically a little floating scroll area that you can put in the middle of your website or whereever you want, it obtains another site and you can direct all your websites into this frame, its TOP. Its basically what i have been wanting to do for a long time, since DiDA!!! :O
Well, got exams coming up again! College this time, and its all written now that i have done all cw and performances. I hate exams, if everything was practical then i could get away with it! But its not so i have to get revising, asap!
Well hope you have fun!
Aaron. Laptop style! x
People Who are Famous
When friday was
My piece is called Escape from The Dragon. It made me soooo happy to hear it being played and they played it all so perfectly!
Well, i forgot to blog this on friday so now is better time than never, well looking at the time and considering i have college in the morning, maybe now isnt the time, but it hads been on my mind to blog it and so i did.
More blog tomorrow!
Aaron Laptop style! x
Monday, May 05, 2008
It makes me very happy to tell you that my beloved game is back! is back
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Compo 1
Oh well, gotta go and type lots now
Have fun. Aaron. Laptop style :) x
Ipoding it
Hello. I am in another free today and i've decided that i am keeping quiet and not doing anything at all except listening to my ipod. I don't know what i would fm without my ipod! I want all exams to be won't be long i know but i want it to be sooner! Maybe i should read my book for english as we are watching the film in a bit and i should really have read it all. Well enjoy the rest of your day! Aaron. Mobile.
Not feeling well today:-( i need more sleep. Yesterday was so mad it has tired me out soo much! On the bus to college but when i get there i dont have a lesson so its pointless really. Well i dont really see the point in lessons at the moment cos of all these deadlines to meet with cw and everything. I cannot believe i met peter kay yesterday. He was so quiet! I have the worst headache ever! :-( well must go getting off the bus now. Aaron. Mobile.
May I?
Welcome to may. Yes i should be asleep now and no i shouldnt even be on my laptop. But i dont care, i am tiring myself out so that i can slee all through tomorrow! :D which makes me all happy cos i hate lessons lately, they are sooo boring! i want a time where you can go to college and attend whatever lessons you please and if you feel like doing some courcework then you can go and do it. people could go home at whatever time and revision will no longer be neccessary as it should all be CW and practical like recording in music and performance in drama.
Oh how life will never be how we want it, but only we can adapt to things and make it work the best way possible! :D
Love May! it "may"be summer! :D
Aaron. Laptop style!