Hello blog,
today has been okay i guess, my work hs just had a new layout in the multimedia section, which is my section... so i've been having to get used to where a couple of thingw were.
I just want to say that
i know my blog is boring but i am happy with that... and it took me ages to sort out and arrange the layout, its a big job that is! Well i like it, and if nobody else likes it, i dont care. Cos this is
my blog nobody elses. Aaron's Blog. I can't actually sleep. I am happy and alot of things > even tho i am scared alot > seem to be going good and going verrrry smoothly.... maybe a
bit slow, but i dont mind... good things come to those who wait right?
Well, i was thinking before what song most describes my feelings most atm.. i went strait to the Yellowcard section on iTunes... and i choose loads of them!! BUT i did choose the one that most suited my feelings and has been for a while, the winner was:
You and me and one spotlight.
I love that song, and it means lots to me atm.
Well, i should be asleep now, as i have work at 10:30 - its now 1:13...
Its really warm, and i nearly missed my bus on the way to work and on the way home today. I had to
run both times.
If anyone i love is reading this, hello, if there is anyone i know reading this, i do love you > but not in that way ;) and hello. If there is anyone i dont know, or love, then hello to you too, thank you for reading my boring blog > which i love :D
I really don't know wat i would do without this blog, i think i would just get realy bored everywhere and just sit there thinking 'i wish i had somewhere to right down my thoughts' WHO needs a pen/paper??? when you have blogger.
I know i've not done many Daily Graphics or any +Vert posts... i have been really busy at work and tired, and i spent too much time on
GH and texting people i miss and love. I have NO time.
My free texts have just expired, so in a couple of days, maybe tomorrow > i will have to topUp. But i dont mind, for a full months worth of free texts :D
Well, i think i really should go to bed now.
I will leave you with this picture of a Spotlight. You and me and one spotlight.
