Friday, April 11, 2008

Danny The Champion...

Of the world.

I went to watch the play tonight, it was TOP, it made me laugh. I'm going to work early tomorrow and then I've got the Sunday off, then the full next weekend :D One of those days will be the Mancunian winds competition tho, which i'm really excited about!!!

On the bus before, yeah, I was bored on the bus, i get bored easily and i couldn't be bothered reading Hard times, which i am supposed to be reading and finishing real soon,. I am hopefully planning to finish my English coursework tomorrow and Sunday, then i can concentrate on my composition, performance and my drama performance, cannot wait for any of these things, they are so many things that i can blog about!

College is going well, loads of work to do, like i said, not much English cw left, but my composition 2, because i do have to write two, is no where near being finished :( hopefully will get some of that done this weekend as all next week is composition week. I want my teacher to say, okay Aaron, dint do anything else to comp 1 except practice the parts. Comp 2 doesn't need practicing because the RNCM are performing it at a big concert thing. ICT cw is all finished, just a few more points need adding to it and then i should be done :D.

I think I am watching a film in a minute, while I make a new album, I am thinking of making an album of all past advert songs, cos some of them are just completely amazing! "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me" I think you know the res"WHOOOOOOOHOO NOW baby please dint go-o-o" Ahhh smile...

Well have a good en, Aaron, Laptop style. x