Welcome to the 100th post and todays 12o'clock big test post.
This is the first post of the BIG test -lets watch that visitor count go up and up.
Welcome to all the new visitors of today, i am glad you can join me on my 100th post celebration and the launch of todays BIG test. To see what the BIG test is please see the prev. post which tells you all about it, also there is a brief description on the right hand side side bar.
Today this is the posts that i will be adding!
*Daily Graphic
*A poem
*General what is going on today
*some cool pics that i will try and take
Today should be fun!
I know this first post was a little late, but i only just realised that it was 100th Post Anniversary so...
Well have a nice day, be sure to ceck back on the hour when you get the chance to help me get as many hits on the counter as possible.
Aaron, 100th Post, The BIG test #1, Laptop Style. x
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