I need to blog something! I've not done it for a while and there has been a lot of stuff going on. I've just got on the bus as i finished college at 3 and went for a swim. I'm finally gonna go swimming every Thursday. I have it when i don't blog for ages. Specially when i can do it from my phone now. I went to an 18Th party on Friday, got a bit drunk and went to work on sat. The person who's birthday party it was isn't 18 while tomorrow so we are going for something to eat a group of us. This is my first Sept post. Its awful. I've gone back to college for my A2 year. I got grades C, C, C, D. My D was in drama and the C's were in ict, music and Eng lit. I've had a lot of homework from Eng and not much from other subjects. I'm i the process of picking universities. How fun... My job is still fun. Keeps me going. I'm not enjoying mornings and its taking me a while to get back into the college routine. So I'm kinda moody. Tbc... Aaron mobile.x
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