Todays +Vert is not as funny as last times, and I have only given it a 4 star (you can now vote how many stars that you give the video and the blog at the bottom of todays blog) it does have a bit of a sentimental value to it, I personally think it is clever the way they have done it, I am sorry that it isn't in English but it does have subtitles. I hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
If I close my eyes
Its time to sleep, the blog is looking good right?
New Features include: The Star rating system for individual blogs, placed at the bottom of each blog, The Rate my Whole blog form at the bottom of the right hand sidebar, The new Label System, every blog that I post will have a Label, then you can choose to see blogs that are simular by choosing the blogs same image either at the bottom of the blog entry on the right or in the new Top Bar. Also the new Top image has been added, but I'm not sure how long that one will stay.
Hope you like the new layout!
Aaron, Laptop Style. x
Monday, March 30, 2009
Would you carry me on inside
My last blog was a little short, I was a little late for work and I had to stop blogging because someone came out the bathroom and it was my turn to go in.
The new bar at the top of my blog will go on later tonight along with a new header picture, I'm not sure what the picture will be yet, I akm working on it but as for the bar at the top it will look like it does now but without text links it will have logos that match the different categories of the blog. For example this is an Update blog, which is a personal blogging style, and so the logo of a diary or book will be at the bottom of this blog and when you click on that logo at the top of the bar all the blogs that are personal will come up as a search. So if you dont want to read all the boring stuff one day and you pay me a visit just to see the latest +Vert then you will be able to click on the + sign that will be at the top and that will take you to the latest and previous blog posts! How exciting is that??
Well, I hope you have a lovely evening, I am spending my time working on my Composition, its going ok... I am not failing it, I just need to get it done, its getting on my nerves.
I will most likely blog either one or more times today, depending on if I can find something worth +Verting.
Aaron, Update, Laptop Style. x
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I shouldn't even be blogging, if I spend to long on here then I will be late. I'm not liking these clocks going forwars, it is preety annoying but I guess I will have to just get used to it.
Have a nice day, from what I can see the weather looks wonderful. While I'm stuck at work.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
If I call your name out
I'm working on the blog, I am going to organise it into all the different aspects of Technology that I talk about on here and each will have their own 'Entrance Page' which will give information about each aspect and how I blog about them, but this won't happen until more posts are posted, so don't worry my posts will continue as normal, or may even get more frequent.
It's interesting to see how technology is evolving around us and sometimes we don't sit and think about how much it is influencing our lives. Sometimes we just let things happen, the evolution of technology is one of them. My blog is a good way to make you fully aware of all the different aspects of multimedia are helping us to live and work our lives.
My blog is evolving also, and I hope you are enjoying the change as much as I am.
Aaron, Multimedia, Laptop Style, x
Friday, March 27, 2009
The ocean wide
Because the Title of this blog had to be what it is, I think that this is an appropriate image for this wonderful daily graphic.
Aaron, Daily Graphic, Laptop Style. x
From the bed of stars
New Ideas
New Blogs to come!
Hey guys not posted for about a week and it has been bothering me! I miss blogging very regularly. I also want to make sure the blog is working, so I have been working on layouts and everything like that. Also the blog will be cut into sections, Updates, +Verts, Links, Morning Posts, Daily Graphics, Playlist, Skoob and whatever else comes in the Future. So look out for how I will seclude the sections.
There are some things that are a big part of my life, Music, Books, Acting, Adverts, Pictures, and loads of other stuff, but every day I am finding more and more ineresting things to write about but i just don't get round to writing about them, mainly because I don't know what section to add them to on here or because I dont have a pen or paper ready to remember all the stuff. I'm going to buy a book that will help me remember what to write or blog. Sometimes I take a picture and I completely forget about it and so don't blog about it.
After this blog, there will be a couple of updates that I havent posted, the names of the blogs will continue to follow their strange pattern.
I hope you are well and look forward to everything that is coming up in your life and here on
Aaron, Laptop Style, Update. x
Sunday, March 22, 2009
If I lift my head
Lets just say, the new background is a working progress. Its annoying me.
I'm here, after another WAW (Weekend at work) and I've been thinking... I've decided that as I work really hard on all of my aspects of College, I am going to do the plans of writing a book. I'm not going to reveal much about what it is or might be about, but it does mean, spending alot of time on a certain bus. This could be either a good or bad thing, but lets just say that I will hopefully find out alot by spending time on this bus. (Yes I will sit on the bus with a pen and paper to take notes).
I've not done any college work this weekend except a little bit of composition.
The title of todays blog is a secret. You will have to work it out after the next few blogs. Each title will lead you to something, when you put them all together, in order of how I post them. OK, maybe it will make no sense at all but oh well.
I hope you all have a good week, I hope you like my new background and top bar, and the links at the top, i know they dont work, they are in process of being built.
Aaron, Laptop Style. x
Monday, March 16, 2009
I Can Walk
There are lots of things you have to think about when you want to write a 'good blog'. You have to have the perfect title to draw the reader in, then the content has to be just right. I do my best to get this right, I make every post as different as possible, to make the content interesting, and to keep regular readers I make a trend of the stories, for example the regular +vert posts, the updates and the Daily Graphic. I really don't know if people like my blog, but it keeps me busy, when I'm doing things I think about how I'm going to blog about it later that day. For example, I watched the Coca Cola advert before, the one that makes you yawn, after watching it I think it will be perfect for the next +Vert blog.
Today - I spent the day walking. Yep, I can walk, if you dont know why I couldnt walk before, please do read MAR 12 Fracture or what?. That will tell you everything that happened to me that day. It was horrible, but now after a weekend of relaxing, I can walk again.
I've also began strict revision, making notes reading them and organising them. I bought a new Parker pen, that is black, because I do prefer to write with black ink.
I'm looking forward to thirsdays episode of Skins, it looks amazing, I have actually been looking forward to the twins episode out of them all, the best one up to now has been JJ's but I think next weeks penultimate episode will be preety good.
Well, thats all for now, I've got half an hour ro read my book, then I will sleep.
Good night.
Aaron, Laptop Style. x
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Doodle Doo
Welcome to the new section of Aaron's Blog.
I have posted a blog simular to this one, but this one actually has a name. Everytime you see the new Doodle Doo logo, or a title with Doodle Doo in it, then you know that the drawing within was drawn by me.
This one, like the mouse posted a couple of months ago, was drawn quite some time ago, and I hope you like it!
Aaron, Doodle Doo, Laptop Style. x
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fracture or what?
I'm at home on a college day. I am very bored. Maybe I could do some of the college work that I will have missed today. But maybe I will just spend the day watching Sky.
The Story
The reason why I am off is because I fell over yesterday. First of all i just tripped up, then I fell over my saxophone case that I was carrying along with me. It was a blur. I didn't feel any pain till I got on the bus. Then I spent the day hobbling through college and being called a cripple. On the bus from college to town I started to feel ill, i went to the bus driver to ask him to let me off because I felt sick, he said 'I can't mate, it's illegal." Then I went blind, luckily I was with my cousin and her boyfriend. I fainted. Falling off the bus, as I couldn't see, with the help of my cousins boyfriend, I managed to get off the bus, someone who was passing by also caught me. Next thing i remember was that I woke up. On the floor with a stranger asking if I needed water, he even offered to buy me some. In the end I got up, hobbled again to the bus and again to the bus home... I managed to get home. My mum took me to the hospital, where they told me that because my bones are growing from child's to adults they weren't too sure if i had a fracture or not but it did look like it. I have to go back on Monday. In the mean time I am on crutches.
So an interesting day yesterday. I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded a Doodle Doo, but that will be up sometime when it's not painful to climb the stairs.
Have a good day, and if I don't post again have a good weekend.
Aaron, Home PC style (Laptop is upstairs), Update. x
Monday, March 09, 2009
200celebration * +Vert

Welcome to the 200celebration +Vert Special.
Today's +Vert features a none English advert. Claro - Mobile (I think).
I am mad with adverts, so I watch an iTunes podcast that features 5 top adverts. This one was number one, and it deserves it. I hope you've got a good sense of humor, I'm not sure if this one is evil or cute to guinea pigs.
Claro - Mobile
Friday, March 06, 2009
200celebration *Daily Graphic
Monday, March 02, 2009
200celebration *Update

Hey guys. Welcome to the first of today's 200 celebration.
I just want to say a big welcome to the month March. Alot of new things happen in March, its the beginning of Lent, the opening of a new season and also the celebration of Easter, lots of eggs :)
I haven't posted for ages so I thought it would only be right to let you know what I've been up to, OK here it is: nothing. Well, I've had a WAW (weekend at work) but other than that I've done nothing. The game has become more and more addictive for me, OK if your reading this and thinking, oh he thinks he is a gangster, well I don't I believe it is a very fun game and more and more people should play it. But try not to get addicted. I've been on there for most of the nights for the past 4/5 years of my life, its a top game tho.
Well, I've already told you what I did today, so if you've forgotten please head back to the last post.
Enjoy the rest of today and the 200celebration.
Aaron, 200celebration, Laptop Style, x
200th Post

This post celebrates 200 posts in Aaron's Blog.
How good is that?
Also to celebrate I had a day of Lectures for English literature and I got to come home early, so instead of spending the day at college, paid 15 pounds, all of which will be refunded because it wasn't aimed at us and so we got sent home instead of wasting our time.
To celebrate further there will be a few interesting blogs to follow this one which will follow the same theme as 100th post.
*Daily Graphic
*Doodle Doo (NEW)
I hope you enjoy today. These posts will be spread out through the next few blogs.
Aaron, 200th post, Laptop Style. x
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