Dear everyone that actually reads my blog.
I would just like to appologise again for the lack of posts over the last month. This month is the month of May, for me May isn't the most memorable month of the year, its one of those months that you forget and dont really have that many memories of, the reason for this is because it is the revision period before the exam period and you don't really get any time for yourselves. Luckily I have handed in my ICT CW, now I just have to wait till tuesday to hand in my Music composition and project. I cannot wait till its all over then I can concentrate on revising for the exams.
It is an exciting period but also a scary one, its the future and everything that happens next depends on it, but it is the end and I won't have to worry about anything once it is all done, everything after that should be exciting! I really cannot wait!
The picture is chosen because I thought it was a good prospective of the future and what it will look like in some time in the next few generations, but this can only be possible and more with people to design it. There will be more and more buisnesses and they will all need someone to design their websites, because I believe that the internet will be the future for all of these office based buissnesses that are coming to the world.
I hope you have an amazing May weekend (extended weekend) while I am at work and then composing and writing essays for the deadline. Have a gooden!
Aaron, Laptop Style, Update! x