Today's blog is a little late because in had no battery on my phone to write it. Last nights concert went amazingly well in front of a large audience who wanted to hear more. This morning we went to a shopping centre to stock up for the journey home and then went to a place called Yvoise** (not sure it is the correct spelling), a nice little place where we played today's concert, the last concert. This one was outside and the sun was very hot! A wasp wouldn't stop attacking me. Tea today is in 20 mins, (7.30). I'm actually very hungry, i just don't know if i should drink tonight or not. Maybe i will as today is the last night. Hmm... Its sad that it is the end of the tour but i think that it has been a really good trip. Tomorrow will be my last band tour blog and then on saturday there will be an overall blog with all the pics on my camera. After that i will be blogging about my trip with my family to the south. I'm going to go to tea now and make the most of the last night in chatel. Aaron, french band tour, mobile. X