Okay, so blogging every day in December didn't work. I kept telling myself that it would but deep down i knew that it wouldn't. I've been spending the last day designing and drawing. I'm going to a party tomorrow cos its new year. Can't wait. December has been a good month, Probably because there has been no college for half of it. Christmas is always good, this year was really good, i got lots of DVDs. The picture in today's blog is of a mouse i drew once. It's pretty good right? There are going to be a couple of new characters coming to the blog, nosnibla has introduced me to a couple of his friends and they need somewhere to live. So yea, i said they could stay, apparent they are on their way. Looking forward to that. I've also decided to add the 'Doodle doo' section which i am working on, the section will be of a new mini Doodle i will draw by hand in my scetch book and then at the end me the month there will be one that I've been working on for a while. There is alot of exciting thinks coming to the blog, We also got a Nintendo wii for Christmas and my muscles have been aching like mad, its hard work that thing, i said i would buy a wii fit to in with it and we can start working on that. I should Probably get some sleep, i hope you like the picture and i look forward to everything new coming up in Aaron's blog. Aaron, mobile.x