One less day away from christmas. Its good right? I should do my christmas shopping soon tho Hehe. This is another mobile blog because of my no internet situation. The picture is of me with a slice of ice. Its a cool picture i think. Its only just the first days of dec and it is already freezing. Unfortunately its not cold enough to close college so I've been stuck there all day. I'm on the bus atm and its raining bad. Its a warm bus so i'm not that bothered, but i'm wet and as soon as i get off i will be cold. Oh well. It makes getting home to dry seem really exciting. I don't know what to do tonight. I'm thinking of using my free time to do something practical. Maybe i will unpack the rest of my boxes in my room. I've ordered my tv now. I'm really excited! (Oh dear this rain is getting bad) i'm gonna try and get on the internet tonight, if not i will be in my room warming up and hopefully not doing too much. I may even blog if i have nothing to do. I'm gonna read a bit of othello before i have to face this rain. Have a nice 4th of December. Aaron, mobile. X
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