Friday, May 29, 2009

Can You Draw Music Like This


Welcome to today's +Vert special. Today's is very exciting. Over the past few weeks I've seen an increase of the number of adverts that use the art of drawing mixed with music as their key theme to catch their audiences attention. Today I am going to do something I've never done before, I am going to blog about three adverts in one. The two seperate advert campaigns are Scrabble and Jotun Lady Paint.

First up is Scrabble:


and Finally we have the 'Take me on' paint advert which uses the idea's from the 80's A-ha song 'Take on me' and uses the same music, it is a clever twist! I think the Ad is from Norway. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed the three video's! I'm off to watch The Simpsons Movie! I may post a good morning post tomorrow to catch up on what I will be doing this waw weekend.

Aaron, Laptop Style, +Vert. x


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Three Films One Day

Hey guys, I've been busy the last two days. Watching films.

The first one I watched was Drag me to hell
It was a good film with a good story line, I guess it was predictable at times and if you don't like jumpy films then this one isn't for you. But all in all it was an excellent film.

Today I went to watch two films. The second film of the three was: Monsters Vs Aliens.
Once again an amazing story line, more for kids and of course us big kids, there is a lot of humor. I really enjoyed it and I recomend any age who just want to have a laugh! Really good film!

Then I was going to go swimming but as I took my brother with me the pool was closed for kids so we decided to go watch another film. We were going to watch Night at the Museum 2 but we had missed the last viewing for the day, so instead, as this is a favourite of mine and my brothers we watched the new edition to the Fast and Furious collection, a good addition as the film takes you back to the original cast of The Fast and the Furious. Overall a good film and recomended for those who like cars, fast paced movies. The line on the poster makes me laugh. 'New model, original parts' which is refering to the new film but original cast. Good film!

That is all for today, a nice update on some good films. Two films in two days, not bad right?

Tomorrow, +Vert as requested!

Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To see or not to see

Daily Graphic
Image-ine seeing this on a bus.

Maybe one day we might?

Daily Graphic at Aaron's Blog. Making the impossible - Possible.


Monday, May 18, 2009

How do you Doodle Do?

Doodle Doo
Welcome to todays special post. Today is a Doodle Doo!

If I remember rightly I have been promising this post for a while now. Its the blog of a life time... haha. Only kiddin, its a blog for those who like my doodles and who like concerts and gigs. This is my stick men concert. It's just sticktastic and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed drawing it in one of my boring college lessons (and yes they are all boring so I cannot remember which lesson it was). So enjoy. Update of the week: later tonight!

Aaron, Doodle Doo, Laptop style! x


Monday, May 11, 2009

Money Love

Nope, not love money but money love.

Todays +Vert is all about a Bontrust advtert that features the faces from money. The animation is made completely from money and is an advertisement for a bank or savings account. The advert is clever, if your going click the play button be sure there are no younglings arouns so that you wont have to explain the second advert to them. You will understand when your watching it. Oh and be sure to have some sound, it adds to the humor. Enjoy!

Aaron, +Vert, Laptop Style. x

Friday, May 08, 2009

Cos I Don't Think That They'd Understand

Morning Post

Morning guys. This morning post indicates more posts in Aaron's Blog. For the last four posts Ithink I have appologised for my lack of posts... I'm not going to appologise again, just because it really was worth it. I had ICT coursework and Music coursework to hand in one last week and the other this week. It has been hard work but it is finished now. My revision period has now started and I am going to begin revising very hard. BUT that doesnt mean I cannot blog! Because I will need some rests in my revision I will be using my rests to eat and blog. Obviously I will be doing other things like going to college, shopping, days out... so I will still have lots to blog about. Look out especially for +Vert blogs and Doodle Doo's - how I miss those...

Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day and an even better weekend. I'm at work this weekend and I wad thinking of taking my revision notes so I can write some of them up at dinner times.

See you!

Aaron, Update, Morning post, Laptop Style. x


Friday, May 01, 2009

And I don't want the world to see me


Dear everyone that actually reads my blog.
I would just like to appologise again for the lack of posts over the last month. This month is the month of May, for me May isn't the most memorable month of the year, its one of those months that you forget and dont really have that many memories of, the reason for this is because it is the revision period before the exam period and you don't really get any time for yourselves. Luckily I have handed in my ICT CW, now I just have to wait till tuesday to hand in my Music composition and project. I cannot wait till its all over then I can concentrate on revising for the exams.

It is an exciting period but also a scary one, its the future and everything that happens next depends on it, but it is the end and I won't have to worry about anything once it is all done, everything after that should be exciting! I really cannot wait!

The picture is chosen because I thought it was a good prospective of the future and what it will look like in some time in the next few generations, but this can only be possible and more with people to design it. There will be more and more buisnesses and they will all need someone to design their websites, because I believe that the internet will be the future for all of these office based buissnesses that are coming to the world.

I hope you have an amazing May weekend (extended weekend) while I am at work and then composing and writing essays for the deadline. Have a gooden!

Aaron, Laptop Style, Update! x