Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Meeting peter kay

Its not every day something like this happens to you. I met Peter kay today. And he signed my book. And i shook his hand! Well this is quite a good blog. Have fun! Aaron, mobile!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

English celing

Yeah. I am in english again. I am so bored! So i decided to take a picture of the ceiling. The building is amazing! We are watching hard times. That is also boring. Cant wait till the end of the day! Drama tonight and lots me work to do. I've just recorded my performances for my as level music! It went really well. Very pleased with it! Well best concentrate on this film. Aaron. Mobile.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Alarm Bells

Hey everyone, my alarm just went off for me to sleep now so its time for me to sleep. Another alarm will go off tomorrow to tell me to get up in the morning i will probly ignore it and wake up when i feel like it! I hate tuesdays, RE in the morning is so boring and annoying!

Cant wait till this term is over tho, once its all done its all done and no more CW or exams for a while. I say a while, it probly wont be long till i am revising again for more and more exams! :

Well as you can probly see by my spelling (even tho that is usually bad anyway) i am extremely tired, after spending all my time today after college to re-design my myspace page.

I also made the text area of my blog a little darker so that there is no difficulty in reading it.

I have decided to stop eating chocolate again, in order to stop my spots again. I havent had one for a couple of weeks now but i did just get one above my lip wich is annoying.

I am happy at the moment and things are turning out to be good!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
More from me tomorrow

Aaron. Laptop style!

Test of aaron

This is a picture of my work name badge. I didnt really have anything else to take a picture of while i tested. This blog is good even the tests are interesting! :-) aaron. Mobile. Test.

Aaron The Composer

Today was the recording of my second piece of composition, the String Quartet. I was happy about how the recording went but i thought that it could have gone much better. The begining was way too fast and they messed up a little at the end. The possitive side about that is that I can write alot in my Realisation.

I changed my number back to my old one again cos i get lots of free text that way! I will still have my other number on so if i get any messages i will recieve them but if you dont have my new/old number let me know :) - thats if i know you btw haha!

There will be another post later today, i am thinking +vert tonight, maybe before Waking The Dead! Cannot wait!

Also i am very happy at the moment wont say much about it but if it gets better i will let you know! :D

Aaron, Laptop Style!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

In the week behind us

Hello everyone, here i am after my long rest from blogging. I've been bad - yes, i havent blogged for about 5 days now!! But i have my reasons, this week has been MAD! but ive had lots of fun and i now have lots to blog about!!!!

Monday was a simple day really, just the first day back at college after the weekend as usual, i didnt do much, but really used it to plan the week ahead

Tuesday was another tuesday like any other only i had to practice my Duet music as it was my recitle on the friday just gone (yesterday)

Wednesday was my AS Drama performance - it went really well and i was pleased with all of it. I absoloutly loved playing my character Ross, he is a major who works in a camp for convicts/prisoners, the prisoners were doing a play and Ross (me) didnt like the idea and made life hell for them and Ralph - the officer who was in favor of the play and was the director. The performance went really well, and i loved it. Was sooo happy when i didnt make any mistakes! Loved it! :) Thank you to everyone who made it really special i had a laugth with you all and it will be horrible when they split us all up next year :( but the times we had will never be forgotten - (Block F Loves you!)

Thursday was really fun, i usually have three lessons on thursday and a saxophone lesson - my teatcher was in an orchestra at the RNCM playing in the The Rite of Spring (Igor Stravinsky) so my saxophone lesson was cancelled. Drama (one of the three lessons i had this day) was also cancelled because we had nothing more to work on because of the performance the night before. So with ICT in the morning and English literature not starting untill 3:00 i decided that a visit to the RNCM would be good for me! When thinking about it i found out that some of the upper six (A2) students were going as well so i decided to tag along with them. It was AMAZING!!!!! it really was - with the piano duet to start with and then the orchestra to finish off, you just couldnt get better for a free performance! it was well and truly worth watching! My sax teacher said she will let me know when the next one is so i can go and watch again! :) So once that was over the day could not have got any better the highlight being the performace. After the performance me and the upper six went to The Footage - a pub. Me being the sensible one, had a lemonade - which was worth it i guess. :) Thursday was fun then Yeah?

Friday was okay i guess, wait a minuit??? IT WAS AMAZINGLY FUNTASTIC!!!! :) The day was one of only going to music and half of english lit, music was compostion i handed in my final copy of my string quartet for the RNCM to play it on monday, i was soooo happy when i finally got that piece off my back, i feel so much better! The reason i was out of class most of the day was because i has my Recitle for music and i was rehearsing (Rehearsing?) So i managed to get out of some of my classes for that, it was good fun all day, my nerves for the recitle kicked in the piece of music before i was about to start, it was a piano piece and every time i heared a perfect cadence (something that sounds like the ending) my heart started to beat reeeeaaally fast. When performing my mouth went all dry and i messed up a few times, apparently i wasnt ready to start as we hadnt finished tuning (sorry :P) But other than a few mistakes it went okay, i will be re recording them because i do feel i could have done them better, but i am allowed so it doesnt really matter much. Anyway the recitle finished (everyone did really well!) and i went home to get changed, i then went to a Party!!!! not just a party tho, no it was an 18th party! (Happy birthday!) I did only drink a little but it was enougth to get me dancing on the dance floor, had a great time and really enjoyed myself, it was the perfect eending to a MAD week!

Cannot wait to hear my quartet on monday, got the day off work today so am just relaxing and absorbing my last day of freedom before going back to work tomorrow.

Hope you all enjoyed my MASSIVE post
Have a nice week
You, me, Everybody!
Aaron - Laptop style x

Monday, April 21, 2008

Simply RSS

A new rss reader on facebook, my last one stoped updating and so i have now added this new one, hopefully this sone will work.

Not feeling well today, maybe its because of the stressfull time, drama performance on wed, music recitle on friday, not to mention all my exams coming up and corsework deadlines building up FAST :(

Oh well.

See you soon, waking the dead now :)
Aaron Loptop style

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A coach journey

Today i had the day off work. The reason for this was because i went with mancunian winds to play in the n.c.b.f (north concert band festival) We played amazingly and managed to get gold award. This is the best you can get. Back to college tomorrow. Cannot be bothered. But it must be done. You may notice that this post is in rubbish english. This is because i am still on the coach coming back from this festival and i am on my phone. At the place it was held there was like a little fair displaying some instruments, i went straight to the saxophones. I displayed my interest and he let me have a go of the soprano. It was the coolest thing ever! On the way back everyone was singing the songs and tunes that everyone would know. And now i'm sitting in a double seat to myself. After getting bored of hard times, i decided to listen to my ipod and write in my blog. Cannot wait to sleep. Not done any work all weekend even tho i had it off work, SAT went to watch west side story and today was the festival. Oh and my left ear ipod ear-phone is broke. Not happy about that. Tuesday - i went to drama as usual and we planned to do this: someone showing someone else around their house with the song madness - our house, every one was given their own room to improvise. Tat the end the director said everyones was good but it would be good if someone was in a room on their own. I mentioned that it would be good he someone could play bo instrument and so they said, ok, bring your instrument next week. So i am a little nervous now for that! Haha. Well i think we are nearly back home so i best stop blogging have fun everyone. I will try and clog tomorrow. Hope you liked the pic me the coaches chair :-) bye, aaron, mobilistic. Haha is that a word? Mobilistic.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Poll results

A total of three people voted.

What is your favourite colour?

Blue: 2 votes

Green: 1 vote

Blue wins.

The poll is now removed and will probly not come back.

Thanks for your involvment, i did say that it would be a test and so the test came out that nobody used it so i will not put it back

You will probly notice that the nosnibla the alien ad had gone also, this will be a feature at some point but probly after my exams now, i have six weeks off college before i have to do A2 so i can add loads then :D cannot wait.

Waking the dead tonight

Cannot wait, wait a minuit, it starts NOW :O gtg, will hopefully post later


Laptop Style!


Wierd Comments


Some people or machines keep putting comments in all of my mobile blogs saying something like: See here - and the here is a link, i tried the link the first time it happend and it seemed something bad happend, so please please PLEASE! DO NOT click on the link,

Thanks alot!
Aaron's Blog safety
Laptop Style!

Magic bus.

Hello. On the bus going to college. No its not good, i'm late. :-( yeah i get magic busses but they do nothing magical. I wish they were like the bus from harry potter. Night bus. Got english first am going to ask her to help me with some of my coursework. My ict one is nearly done and my music is just composition 2. Well must get off the bus now boring college. Aaron. Mobile.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Teach Children To Swim

I was disscussing this with a few friends the other day, we were talking about how people couldn't swim. I said that if somebody told me they cant swim then i would find it wierd, sometimes this has happened and i looked at them funny. Its just one of those things that you expect everybody to be able to do, a bit like riding a bike or walking.

Anyway, i would just like to welcome you to the first ever +vert post.

Todays +vert is

Title: First Choice Advert
Sub-Title Teach children to swim
Featuring the song: William Tell Overture
Artist: Rossini, Gioachino


The playlist is now in place and you will be able to hear the song. the second half of the song is the best, its a long song, i know but its worth listeneing to.


Aaron, +vert style

Daily Graphic #3 Release Me


Relese me is a song from an advert. Its a great song and its really powerful.
this is todays graphic and my post for today.

Not having to go to work, and it being my brothers birthday, meant that today was a lazy day, where i did absoloutly nothing :) It makes me happy that i am being paid for doing absoloutly nothing.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, i just cannot be botherd going into college tomorrow, i am going to try and get in early to get some of my english CW printed off, in my free i am going to try and write a music essay and then while being bored i will ptrobly post tomorrows daily graphic.

And i am almost finished on creating the official +verts, i know exactly how its going to work, each time there is a new post there will be a new song along with it, this song will then be added to a playlist and will be placed under the +verts section in my blog. So there will be a collection of songs from loads of adverts that make up a cool playlist :D

Anyone know when Yellowcard brings a new album out?

anyway, have a nice week
Aaron, Laptop Style! x

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mancunian Winds

Mancunuan Winds is one of the bands i play in, they are a large wind band that rehearse in mnchester.

I have posted earlir last year when we managed to make it through to the national finals by getting gold award in the regional. Next weekend is when we go and play in these finals i cannot wait!!! :D

The players in the band are amazing! Its just fantastic to play with such amazing talent, (yeah britain does have talent, not just that crap that they show on the tv programme - BGT - well some of it is good!) and i cannot wait to see everyones faces when we play! :D

Well, thats it, today is the 12th of April, so that means its my little brothers birthday tomorrow :D

Bye, Aaron, Laptop Style !!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Danny The Champion...

Of the world.

I went to watch the play tonight, it was TOP, it made me laugh. I'm going to work early tomorrow and then I've got the Sunday off, then the full next weekend :D One of those days will be the Mancunian winds competition tho, which i'm really excited about!!!

On the bus before, yeah, I was bored on the bus, i get bored easily and i couldn't be bothered reading Hard times, which i am supposed to be reading and finishing real soon,. I am hopefully planning to finish my English coursework tomorrow and Sunday, then i can concentrate on my composition, performance and my drama performance, cannot wait for any of these things, they are so many things that i can blog about!

College is going well, loads of work to do, like i said, not much English cw left, but my composition 2, because i do have to write two, is no where near being finished :( hopefully will get some of that done this weekend as all next week is composition week. I want my teacher to say, okay Aaron, dint do anything else to comp 1 except practice the parts. Comp 2 doesn't need practicing because the RNCM are performing it at a big concert thing. ICT cw is all finished, just a few more points need adding to it and then i should be done :D.

I think I am watching a film in a minute, while I make a new album, I am thinking of making an album of all past advert songs, cos some of them are just completely amazing! "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me" I think you know the res"WHOOOOOOOHOO NOW baby please dint go-o-o" Ahhh smile...

Well have a good en, Aaron, Laptop style. x

On the bus copy

Hey not posted for ages. Am bored on the bus so i thought i would blog. I will post another when i get home just to update you. Aaron. Mobile.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Hey. I have not even checked my blog today. I never put in a daily graphic yesterday and there won't be one today. I will be suprised to see one in the next few days. I am thinking of not going on the net for the next couple of days. I have a lot me coursework to do for all subjects. All of which has to be handed in on the first day back, this monday! So yeah the theme of this post is that of time. You must see that the time is running out. I must do my work otherwise i will not gain anything. I will try and keep posting maybe on my phone like now. I had my hair cut today. Then i went to help out at my new house. I stripped the walls and then did the garden. It was fun i wanna buy some new plants for it now. Well i'm gonna go now. I am watching the lord of the rings. Bye. Aaron. Mobile.