Sunday, April 13, 2008

Teach Children To Swim

I was disscussing this with a few friends the other day, we were talking about how people couldn't swim. I said that if somebody told me they cant swim then i would find it wierd, sometimes this has happened and i looked at them funny. Its just one of those things that you expect everybody to be able to do, a bit like riding a bike or walking.

Anyway, i would just like to welcome you to the first ever +vert post.

Todays +vert is

Title: First Choice Advert
Sub-Title Teach children to swim
Featuring the song: William Tell Overture
Artist: Rossini, Gioachino


The playlist is now in place and you will be able to hear the song. the second half of the song is the best, its a long song, i know but its worth listeneing to.


Aaron, +vert style