Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Movie 09

This is not hard at all. I had the privelege to watch this movie twice, once in 3D and the second time in 3D IMAX. It is amazing. There is just one word.


AVJA movie of 2009

Avatar Movie Poster

Gadget 09

Multimedia 09

This year, there are two things that I saved up for and wonder how I coped without them before. I know now that it was worth all the money to buy them both and yes this does mean that there are two AVJA gadgets of 2009. My laptop is the best laptop I could possible have. Its a Dell and it's blue. Who can say anything bad about that. Second is my wonderful moblie phone which cost me alot of money for such a small (yet brilliant) item. I love both of these and yes they are both AVJA gadgets of the year.

Gadget 09 - Laptop

Gadget 09 - Phone

Television 09

I'm a big fan of different types of Television shows. Some of them are very American but the one I choose for 09 is definitely an English show. It has been on before with previous series, but this year was good. AVJA TV show of the year is Waking the Dead.

Telvision 09 Waking The Dead

Daily Graphic 09

Daily Graphic 09

This Years Daily Graphic is just something of Publicity really, I want you to follow me when I post something new. So technically I want you to subscribe to my blog.

When I created this blog I wanted many people to read it, so it has always been my plan to create something that many people will enjoy. A couple of months ago I added the Subscribe Button to the left hand column of the blog. This button takes you to the Atom Version of Aaron's Blog where you can Subscribe in many ways using the CSS used to create each posts. This has always been available but I've never blogged about it before. It didn't take me too long to create the button, but it is in my eyes a true Graphic.


Game 09

Yep I work at a Toy shop, and the main area that I work in is called multimedia - in other words, I sell electronics and Games. So its not hard for me to choose a game that everyone has enjoyed. Nintendo Wii decided to release a game called Wii Sports Resort. It was intended to improve game play as they added something called the Motion Plus Sensor, which improved the sensitivity of the Wii Remote controller. This was a massive launch and other companies decided that the Motion Plus was the future of gaming and more games began to use this new technology. After its massive launch, Nintendo then decided that this was a basic necessity in the Wii Package and added it as a part of the Wii's boxed contents (they added the Wii Motion Plus and the Wii Sports Resort) and so without noticing that this was anything new, old and new Wii players enjoyed the Sports Resort game. It is by far AVJA game of the year (not Call of Duty :P)

Wii Sports Resort


Skoob 09

Skoob 09

This one took me a while, and I am still thinking that my choice could be incorrect. I do read alot, why, that is why I blog about it, and so it was difficult to choose one book for this years Book Of The Year. So because this is my blog and I make the rules I've decided that there is more than one book of 09.

Note that this is not Year of Release, but the Year in which I read these books. (Except Ghost Hunter)

Ghost Hunter - Michelle Paver

Brisingr - Christopher Paolini

Noman - William Nicholson

Song 09

Playlist 09

The song of the year was a difficult choice. With the big X-factor thing at the end of the year and Rage against the machines beating them at number one in the Christmas Charts... well, I didn't really like either of those songs much. For me there is only one winner. Remember this isn't a world wide choice, this is my choice and for the best song of 2009 I choose. 21 Guns - Green Day. The reason for this is simple, its in one of the best films of the year (Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen) and so it is AVJA Song of the Year.

You can simply YouTube it to find it or for a limited time it is the bottom song on my Spotify Playlist which is in the left hand column of this blog under You Can Find Me. I sure hope your enjoy the song too.

+Vert 09

+Vert 09

Over the year 2009 we have had some amazing adverts on the television. Some are just funny, the ones that stick in your head for weeks and the ones where you just have to say 'did you see that one?!?'

This year it was tough to find the best advert of 09, but one of them did stand out most of all. LEGO. Now I know its an old advert, just like the Aqua-Fresh advert and the Toys R Us advert, which also made a come back this year. I dont remember the LEGO advert, but it was definetly my favourite toy when I was younger. So I declare the LEGO advert, +Vert of the Year 2009.

And here it is.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Year End

The time of Christmas is hectic, especially when you have tons of work to do for uni just before the holiday period begins. This was me before I broke up from university on the 18th of December, since then I have been buying presents for everyone, spending time with family and most of all working. The break between Christmas and new year is usually a relaxing one for myself but I agreed to doing some extra hours at work. Of course I don't mind, it means more money for me, whereas on the other hand, I would just love to sit back and relax for a good week.

Christmas has been wonderful though, my parents bought me a new saxophone case (as my old one was falling apart), an electric shaver (which is just cool) and the Wii sports Resort game with the motion plus sensor. But I guess its not all about opening presents, its the giving that I love as well.

I know that my number of blogs this month have been bad, but it has been busy, and today I felt that it would be bad if I left a full month without a good blog and even worse if I didn't finish the year off with a couple of blogs too. Hopefully I will blog some interesting things tomorrow. Today all I can give you is words, but tomorrow there shall be a +Vert of the Year, Song of the Year, Book of the Year, Game of the Year, Daily Graphic of the Year, TV Programme of the Year, Gadget of the Year, Movie of the Year, Doodle Doo of the Year and Website of the Year. Then on the 31st (the last day of the year) I will write a reflection on the year as a whole.

I do hope you visit tomorrow and the next day for a whole range of interesting blogs. If you think you might forget; you can Subscribe to my RSS with the Subscribe button in the left hand column.

Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Monday, December 07, 2009

University Is Not Easy

But everything else is.

I have loads of work to do, but I can't say that I'm not enjoying it, because I really am. I've met some wonderful people who are great to get along with, the group work stuff has been fun and the large breaks between lectures are just top.

Now the first semester is coming close to an end. I've got like two weeks left. I have to hand in three assignments. Now the work load is very large for 10 days, but I'm feeling that I can get a lot done in that time.

On Friday I bought myself a new phone! To show off to you all I thought I would leave a nice picture to show you how wonderfully amazing it is.

Its great right? Well, I don't think I've put it down yet. Not good. Oh well. I love it.

Well, I best get back to writing about Learning Theories.


Aaron, E72 Mobile Style. x

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Self Portrait



Yep, I’ve actually been drawing myself. It has noting to do with the work I need to get done for my uni assignments, but it was fun nevertheless. I enjoyed doing it. Self Portrait.

Uni is going well, I have about 5/6 assignments to be finished for the 18th of December so this week I've put on my organisation and working cap on. It is going pretty well actually, and I am enjoying the work. It is all creative and it is all on the computer, both of which I can handle as long as I don’t get myself drifted off on facebook, twitter and god of the internet knows what else.

I’m going to finish here because it is nearing the end of another day and I want to do a little more work before I go to bed.

Good night. Aaron, Laptop style (Windows Live Writer Tools) x

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When I finish Uni at 6 I think to myself, 'I'm going to go home and eat, then I will do an assignment' I tell myself the same thing over and over again and think it even while I am reading the wonderful Harry Potter on the bus. When I get home I eat and then I think... 'do I really want to do this assignment. I guess I have no choice really, I have to do it, but I am just plain lazy and I end up on Facebook, Twitter and writing blogs.

Today however I have structured myself. I say. I have now eaten my tea, then I will spend about 30 mins on FB, Twitter and Blogger, then I will do my assignment. I WILL do it. Its ok... It will get done. Promise.

Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Social Networking

My world is online. Whatever your world, PC....
I spend a lot of time on my computer, my laptop, my phone, and a uni PC. Actually, It's rare that there is one day when I don't log into a computer. Facebook and twitter are just two of the most popular social networking sites on the internet and they are clearly taking over. People are beginning to complain about how they spend too much time of Facebook as there is so much you can do. But we are happy to accept the fact that technology is now becoming our social life. My opinion - its a good thing, Let it happen.

All I can say is that now that Facebook is around, the Kids on the street, they never miss a beat.

I'm saving for a new phone, hopefully one with a good browser, a nice interface and a QWERTY keypad. I might be asking for a lot there but it has to be perfect if I'm to be using it every day, and it will also come at a big price. Hopefully I will be blogging off a nice new phone soon. :)

Anyway, time is not on my side and I must sleep.
Good night. Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Review - UP

Disney's Pixar's Latest Film Hits The Big Screen With High Spirits. Doesn't it?

If you went to watch the film then you will know how upsetting it really is. It makes men cry. But its not all depressing as the film encounters flying houses and talking dogs. This film may be a kids film but it is definitely entertaining for all ages. Take the kids to watch it, you won't regret it. Pixar don't stop there though, they are also recently released Toy Story 1 on 3D, Toy Story 2 will hit the big screens soon and next year (2010) they will continue the story with Toy Story 3!

We look forward to what else Pixar has to give us in the future, as it definitely seems to be going UP in my estimations.

Thats all from me.

Aaron, Laptop Style. UP :D. x

Cities XL

This is a Aaron's Blog Advertisement blog which features the Cities XL Game.

The game was released in October 2009 and completely destroys Sim City's Prev game play.
If you were thinking of buying or playing the game then go for it, It is truly amazing. The graphics are good, it looks like a city, and the menu's are not disappointing. If you are used to the Sim City game play then it may take you a while to get used to it but it is definitely worth it.

I think you should play it today.

have fun.

Aaron, Games, Laptop Style. x


Yes, I'm here. Eventually, I have some time. For myself ofc.

Today is Bonfire night. Bonfire night = Rain.

Well, the past few weeks has been hectic. I've been worrying about the assignment that I eventually handed in today. It's amazing to get rid of the pressure and makes me feel loads better. So finally I got time to blog.

Welcome to November. The trees have officially got rid of their leaves. Tree master says 'Its about time we finally got rid of our last leaves but over the next few years, some of the trees might be a little more hesitant to get rid of their leaves so early'.

At university I've also got another 4 assignments, 2 websites, a midi file and a flash animation.
It's all fun. I really love Flash and Midi, Web page design has alot of info but it is simple, group design should be fun, we have to design a website as a group of 5.

So Uni is good, there isn't really anything else any more, uni has sort of taken over. Work is still ok, getting a bit repetitive now, and I am a big fan of change.

So. I am happy now, that just now, I caught up with all of my Emails and posted this wonderful exploding (full of info) blog.

Have a nice bonfire night.

Aaron, Laptop (amazing) Style. x

Thursday, October 22, 2009

University of Salford - Multimedia and Internet Technology

You know, I started University last month and I'd just like to say how much I extremely like it. It is the most easiest subject in the university by my guestimations.

The people on my course are extremely nice and I'm getting on well with everyone I meet.
The topics are all interesting and yet they are simple (except one). I extremely love studying there and I think that the next few years are going to be top!

For some reason, I felt like I had to make this point clear. On my blog left hand side column I'm going to put the Salford Logo to display where I am studying

I didn't leave home - I stayed with my family in Manchester. Its really easy to travel to and if you have a book or some thing to do then its not too boring. - Manchester is such a good place, thats my main reason for staying, the other is because I love my money too much!

The night life in Manchester is always fun too - I'm not going to go into that because it would take me all night but there is always somewhere to go when you want a good time.

To conclude I would just like to say, if you have googled and found this because you wanted to find out more about the course and this isnt enough information please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm more than happy to answer your questions.

Thats all from me - boasting about my wonderful Student life at Salford University.

Aaron, Dell Style, University. x

Monday, October 19, 2009

Waiting for architecture

Computer architecture is most likely the worst subject i do at university. But its not even that bad. I'm really enjoying my lessons and general life at university. You could say that i've chosen the easiest course at uni. I only have one exam to worry about and the assignments are really entertaining. Atm i'm waiting for architecture to start. An easy day for me. :-)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Ten Plus Nine

Today (well whats left of it) is my 19th birthday,

I had a really relaxed and chilled day which I really enjoyed.
It was nice to see all the wonderful comments from people! - Thank you
Also went out for a bit tonight with two friends and we had some good fun!

Friday I'm going to celebrate by watching UP then going to get drunk (grunk)

Well thats all for now and I might post a drunked post on Friday.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two Years Blogger

After a lovely time here on blogger, I have finally managed to make it to TWO years!

So I made a fun little graphic which will also be used to advertise Aaron's Blog.

Click on image for full size

Aaron's Blog, Back Track

Friday, September 18, 2009

Open Happiness


I am blogging this +Vert special because I danced to this song at a night club and of course it is an amazing advert.

Enjoy it, no dobt you have already seen it.

ALSO - right now Coca-Cola are auditioning on Facebook to Star in the next TV ad. Just click here to find out more.
If you are viewing this post through Facebook then view the original post here

Aaron, +Vert Style. x

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Toy Story 3 The Trailer

Film: Toy Story 3
Disney Pixar
Release Date: June 2010

The film is going to be a BIG hit with people waiting all over the world for its release.
Lego and Mattel will create toys for the film to promote the movie and a new video game will also be released based on the film.

This is not the full Toy Story though... Disneys Previous Toy Story and Toy Story 2 will be re-released on October the 2nd in Disney Digital 3D.

We are all looking forward to it and to keep us occupied Disney are creating some amazing films in the mean time.

Here is the all exciting Trailer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Meatwave heading your way - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, At Cinemas Friday

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You say you want a revolution

Aaron's Blog has been going for almost 2 years. On the 22nd of September I will celebrate the 2nd complete year of Aaron's Blog. I've been busy the last few weeks, I didn’t really think I would actually be this busy so I am disappointed with the number of blogs I've actually done. So to completely celebrate as I do every year, I am going to be changing my ideas and layout here at Aaron’s Blog.

The new revolutionary blog will have only 5 sections with many sub sections. These sections I am working on but at the moment they currently stand as Personal / Multimedia / Internet / Technology / Graphics these sections are a working progress and the whole of the Aaron’s Blog layout will change. I have planned to change the name of the blog over and over again but I think its just a scary thought. I don’t know if I could actually do it so I will put the name change at rest for a while. Also I wanted to change location. Yes this is still on my mind and I am currently negotiating this with the money saving side of my brain. If I do not buy lunches each day I can save enough money for web space and a domain. Which is worth it right?

So let the revolution begin.

Things that will stay the same:
The blog will stay run by AVJA, Each blog post will have the symbols of the blog tag/topic. The name is staying for the time being. The color scheme will also stay!

Things that will change:
The layout, the name of the blogs, the sections, the side bar, the bottom bar, the top bar, the logo’s (maybe) and everything will be spelt correctly.

I hope you people continue to read my blog because I love it so and I want it to continue to be as successful if not more as it has been over the last two years. Things can only get better right?

Aaron, Big Screen Style, Blog Change.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Visit

Welcome to Aaron's Blog

For many of you, this will be your first visit to Aaron's Blog and you are probably wondering what on earth I talk about. Well there isn't a strict answer to that but to make you feel extremely welcome to my website I thought that I might as well give you a little bit of an idea otherwise you will be stuck reading something that means nothing to you or not read at all - two things I would not like.

I want all of my visitors to enjoy themselves here that why I talk about a whole range of different technology aspects that are involved in the internet.

Some of the Key Sections are:
  • Personal
  • Music
  • Gaming
  • Photos
  • Television
  • Multimedia
  • Video
  • Internet
Not only do I have these sections but I also have four of my favourite sections that I have developed over my 2 years of blogging. These are:
  • +Vert (Adverts)
  • Doodle Doo (Drawing)
  • Daily Graphic (Frequent graphic/image)
  • Skoob (books/general reading)

The +Vert section is all about Adverts. If one day I see an advert on TV that makes me laugh, cry or if it just has a catchy tune or if its just an amazing advert in general you will most likely find me blogging about it in the +Vert section. You can find out more about the +Vert Section Here.

Doodle Doo is all about drawing. I don't do it that much but when I do I really enjoy it and I tend to blog about it. The section is not a large section but to see the latest Doodle Doo see Here.

Daily Graphic is one of my favourite things. Earlier on in the Blog this was one of the only things I did, and I would post a Graphic that I created every day. Unfortunately this slowed down over time but when Daily Graphic appears it really is special. The reason for the slow down was not because of my lack of Ideas because I have hundreds in my head but because of my lack of time. College and University is a lot of work. So enjoy them when they come, you can check out the latest ones Here.

Finally my personal section overflowing into its own separate section. I absolutely love books. I love them that much that I before I began blogging Skoob was one of my separate websites! Now that my Ideas are mingled together in this wonderful blog Skoob had to be one of the sections in
my blog. To view what I read click Here for the latest post!

This post is not an origional post. It is continously changing along with the blog. So if there are anything that you are unsure of please contact me. You can also do so if you have any Questions about the wonderful world of Aaron's Blog.

I do hope this post has been helpful.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time to picy

These are the pics from my holiday to Devon. I will put in a pic and a caption underneath.

Enjoy :)

Outside my Bedroom Window
The Lake On the Farm
'Seed' At the Eden Project
The Eden Project
Rescue Day
Biggest Bee
I caught a FISH!!! :D

Aaron, Laptop Picture Style. x

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to blogy

Hello. I missed this. Really I did. But with me being away for weeks and then the worry of Alevel results, Blogging has just not been on my to-do-list. But now its back on.

So my holiday, after my week in France,which I did blog about, I went off to Devon with my family. We stoped off half way for a few days Camping then set off to the place we were staying for a week. We stayed on a farm in a converted shed. It was really nice and posh, there was also a lake for fishing where I caught my first ever fish! :D

Other than fishing we sepent the week lying on the beach, catching the sun, reading my book, walking round some villages and visiting a scary Jail...

The highlight I think was the fact that I spent the week away from home and manchester and the thought of waking up on a Saturday and Sunday knowing I dont have to rush off to work.

When I got back I only had a week to wait for my A-Level results. Yes they came the other day on thursday (20th) and I wasnt pleased. I managed to get a C in music which I was most happy about, but in my other subjects, ICT and English Lit I got D's. Ok so I didnt have enough to get into my preferred Uni so I was a little annoyed but when I checked UCAS where they tell you your places at Uni I realised that they ACCEPTED ME !!!! I was over the moon, I couldnt stop jumping and smiling. I was so pleased and I am looking forward to starting there in a months time.

One other thing I did during the Holiday in Devon was to visit the Eden Center. It was a great experiecne and I recomend it to anyone who wants to marvel at nature. So because it was a Highlight of my holiday I am going to leave this rather large post with a picture of the Domes and tomorrow I will add my camera pics from the actual Holiday.

Thank you for reading Aaron's Blog and I will try to post more often and more excitingly while I am at University :D:D

Aaron, Laptop Style, x

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today's blog is a little late because in had no battery on my phone to write it. Last nights concert went amazingly well in front of a large audience who wanted to hear more. This morning we went to a shopping centre to stock up for the journey home and then went to a place called Yvoise** (not sure it is the correct spelling), a nice little place where we played today's concert, the last concert. This one was outside and the sun was very hot! A wasp wouldn't stop attacking me. Tea today is in 20 mins, (7.30). I'm actually very hungry, i just don't know if i should drink tonight or not. Maybe i will as today is the last night. Hmm... Its sad that it is the end of the tour but i think that it has been a really good trip. Tomorrow will be my last band tour blog and then on saturday there will be an overall blog with all the pics on my camera. After that i will be blogging about my trip with my family to the south. I'm going to go to tea now and make the most of the last night in chatel. Aaron, french band tour, mobile. X

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On top of the world

Literally. Today we woke up to a rehearsal. It was definety good to wake up to montinedo and oddesy. Sounded amazing. The concert tonight is in chateau, where we are staying. I really am looking forward to it. I went to bed a little earlier last night to regain some energy. I needed it as today we went up a mountain. We didn't climb tho, we went on the cable carts the views were amazing and that is what today's picture is. Right now i've just got back from a noddy train ride around the mountains. So overall it has been a good day and now its time to relax before tea and a wonderful concert. Salut! Aaron, french band tour, mobile. X

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lake annecy

Third day of the french band tour... The weather is still nice. Today is the first concert out of three and we are going to lake annecy to play. With the weather so nice we should have a good audience. I got drunk last night, too drunk. I don't remember doing any of the things that people keep telling me i did... It was a good night though. Harry potter has just been put on the tv on this 2 hour coach journey, i guess its not too long, we are getting pedlo's when we get there so it is definately worth it. The picture in todays blog is of a river that was on the road, it was the next best thing after mountains and i've already Blogged one of those. I'm going to go now and Txt my mum, tell her to read my blog, hello mum. Salut! Aaron, french band tour, mobile. X

Sunday, July 26, 2009

On the road

French band tour continued... As i said in my last post, today we went swimming. It was fun, we went to a large swimming and slide (aqua) park. We had to travel over the swiss boarder to get there. Now, on the road we are on our way back to the hotel to have a rehearsal. The weather is amazing, not had much chance to enjoy it yet as the park was inside but plenty of time for it. These roads are making me dizzy. Hopefully i will post again tomorrow. Au revoir! Aaron, france tour, mobile. X

It is france

This is just a test really, to see if i can actually blog from all the way out here. There isn't alot of signal as it is. Today we are going swimming and then there will be a rehearsal. We had one yesterday but everyone was a little tired. At the min we have just finished eating breakfast and are just waiting for everyone to be ready to leave. The first concert is tomorrow. The picture is what i can see from our front balcony. Hope to blog more soon. Au revoir! Aaron, mobile. X

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dover dover

Now, on the way to france we finally made it to dover. I know i wasn't going to blog again til i band back but i have my phone. If there is signal in france. :-) aaron, mobile. X

Leaving Manchester

For a Holiday, At last!

I'm going to the French Alps Via Coach and Ferry, ans we leave Today at 2. I am really excited.

This blog is to tell you of how innactive it will be... because I will have no access to the internet or a computer then there will be no blogs until the 1st of September. Yes, this is the last post in July. I hope that you will have fun for the next week while I am here:

Aaron, Laptop Style, Farewell! x

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blanc Screen

You know them times when you are just staring at the screen wondering what to do, like when you go to draw something and you start off with a blank piece of paper and then you think of something to draw and it progresses from then.

Aaron's Blog has over 200 posts, over 2000 independent viewers and almost 2 full years of blog posts. A lot of two's right? Anyway what my point being is that I too started off with a Blank Screen and this has progressed over the last two years, you could say it is a random piece of work but nonetheless I have enjoyed every second.

I do want to move my blog to an independent website. where I have 100% control over it, which is going to be difficult and will cost me some money but I think it will be worth it in the end. The new blog will discuss technology, how it is developing and becoming a key aspect of every one of our lives, it will be about multimedia - adverts, websites, videos, electronics and so on. The site will be called MAIT which when uninitialised is Multimedia And Internet Technology. I am looking forward to adding all of these blogs to the site and adding to it each day.

This is a long blog and I don't want to bore you more but I hope you are looking forward to the new website as I sure am!

Aaron, Laptop Style, Update! x

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


You know, I hate blogs that are not updated... so it makes me feel bad when I don't update every once in a while. Its sad I know but it is good to keep my blog updated to keep you readers happy.

Last week's set of concerts went amazingly well, read the prev post to hear about those. This week is full of two concerts, St matthews are holding their end of year concert in the school today followed by the school play, other than that we have the Xaverian College (Manchester) concert, it is my last concert as an official student at the college and it should be fun!

Other than concerts I have been working Monday and will be working on Friday and on Thursday I have an audition... I wont say anything about it until it is over otherwise I will worry toooo much about it. Anyway for you readers who like pictures here is a nice image for you.

It was hard choice at first on which poster I would choose for the Harry Potter release post, and obv I will post another one when I blog, but Ron is my Favourite character in the books and as this is a good film for him I think this is definetly the poster that sells the film to me. Ron - Quiddich. Even though Ron should have been given a Broom stick in Order Of The Phoenix it is good to see him with one. Even if it is LATE. I hate book to film convertions!! They annoy me!

Bet dobby will never be seen again! WHERE IS HE?

I'm not going to get started, I will have a rant once I have watched it and I can pick out every detail the MISS! :@

Anyway, I'm going to try on some TopMan clothes and get ready for tonight concert.
Have a good night and Enjoy the rest of the week.

Aaron, Laptop Style, Update. x

Friday, July 10, 2009

Manchester Music Service Showcase 2009

We played tonight, at the Manchester Music Service Showcase. I played on Wednesday night with St Matthews RC High School (my old school) tonight with Soul band and tomorrow (Friday) is Manchester Youth Wind Orchestra (MYWO) better known as Mancunian Winds. Each night these bands have/will finish the concerts. It really is a treat to see the Showcase which is held at the Royal Northern College of music Every year. I am proud to be apart of it each year and hope to continue for some time in the future. Tomorrow night should be especially good. Lets hope my G# Key doesn't stick in my solo. Also tomorrow which I will be playing in is the Halle Project, which involves some young people around Manchester to join a small ensemble from the Halle. Together it actually sounds preety good as we play a piece written by the composer himself.

In the rest of my life, I have been spending my time doing nothing. In fact I actually managed to squeeze some hours from work so I get extra pay next friday, which should be good as I could do with some extra monies.

I want to spend a day taking pictures, I'm thinking this will be on thursday next week, so there will be an advert about that which will be named the AVJApicture Day and if you want to show off some of your photography send them to my email and I will publish them in my next post.

Have a wonderful rest of week and I hope to blog tomorrow before I leave for the FULL day of rehearsals and performances, but in the end it will all be worth it, WELL worth it in fact.

Aaron, Musical post, Laptop Style. x

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Sometimes I forget

Sometimes I forget how much I love Pokemon!

What can I say?

Aaron, Daily Graphic, Laptop Style. x

Thursday, July 02, 2009



When the weather is peaking 25° its hard to concentrate properly. Today I went for a swim to calm my temperature down. I will be going again tomorrow. It is really relaxing.

Happy July btw. Its a nice month. We all like the sun, even if we do complain about it. I understand it can be hard to work in the heat and we would be very happy if we were out there enjoying it all the time. Thank you for letting me be off Education and Work. Its actually amazing. I can sit at home and do nothing and waste the day reading my book in the sun, or go to town mingle with the countless number of unemployed people or just have a lie in and not get up till my back hurts and my stomach is shouting at me.

I did burn my neck the other day (reading in the sun) it was painful! I'm healing and it is going brown to match my arms. :D

Daily Graphic
Well to the title of the blog - Clouds. With the sun beaming down on you its very rare that you will even think about looking up above to save blinding yourself. So this means you cannot enjoy the wonderful cloud shapes. My cousin has a facebook group that is all about Taking Random Photos. The groups current task is to take some pics of some wonderful cloud formations. Here is my contribution:

I've just realised that my images are taking a little longer to upload this time round. I'm thinking it is because of my new camera I was telling you about last time, it is 10mp instead of my phone which was something like 3.2mp. So hopefully you will enjoy the difference. Wow lets hope they do actually upload... dum de dum dum dum...

While i'm waiting for them to upload I will tell you about the Facebook group my cousin started:
The most random pictures in the world.
And that is preety much the name and the description!
Link: Here

Long post I know, but its summer and I have nothing better to do so expect more!

Aaron, Update, Daily Graphic, Link, Camera, Laptop Style. x
