When the weather is peaking 25° its hard to concentrate properly. Today I went for a swim to calm my temperature down. I will be going again tomorrow. It is really relaxing.

Happy July btw. Its a nice month. We all like the sun, even if we do complain about it. I understand it can be hard to work in the heat and we would be very happy if we were out there enjoying it all the time. Thank you for letting me be off Education and Work. Its actually amazing. I can sit at home and do nothing and waste the day reading my book in the sun, or go to town mingle with the countless number of unemployed people or just have a lie in and not get up till my back hurts and my stomach is shouting at me.
I did burn my neck the other day (reading in the sun) it was painful! I'm healing and it is going brown to match my arms. :D

Well to the title of the blog - Clouds. With the sun beaming down on you its very rare that you will even think about looking up above to save blinding yourself. So this means you cannot enjoy the wonderful cloud shapes. My cousin has a facebook group that is all about Taking Random Photos. The groups current task is to take some pics of some wonderful cloud formations. Here is my contribution:
I've just realised that my images are taking a little longer to upload this time round. I'm thinking it is because of my new camera I was telling you about last time, it is 10mp instead of my phone which was something like 3.2mp. So hopefully you will enjoy the difference. Wow lets hope they do actually upload... dum de dum dum dum...

While i'm waiting for them to upload I will tell you about the Facebook group my cousin started:
The most random pictures in the world.
And that is preety much the name and the description!
Link: Here
Long post I know, but its summer and I have nothing better to do so expect more!
Aaron, Update, Daily Graphic, Link, Camera, Laptop Style. x
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