Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You say you want a revolution

Aaron's Blog has been going for almost 2 years. On the 22nd of September I will celebrate the 2nd complete year of Aaron's Blog. I've been busy the last few weeks, I didn’t really think I would actually be this busy so I am disappointed with the number of blogs I've actually done. So to completely celebrate as I do every year, I am going to be changing my ideas and layout here at Aaron’s Blog.

The new revolutionary blog will have only 5 sections with many sub sections. These sections I am working on but at the moment they currently stand as Personal / Multimedia / Internet / Technology / Graphics these sections are a working progress and the whole of the Aaron’s Blog layout will change. I have planned to change the name of the blog over and over again but I think its just a scary thought. I don’t know if I could actually do it so I will put the name change at rest for a while. Also I wanted to change location. Yes this is still on my mind and I am currently negotiating this with the money saving side of my brain. If I do not buy lunches each day I can save enough money for web space and a domain. Which is worth it right?

So let the revolution begin.

Things that will stay the same:
The blog will stay run by AVJA, Each blog post will have the symbols of the blog tag/topic. The name is staying for the time being. The color scheme will also stay!

Things that will change:
The layout, the name of the blogs, the sections, the side bar, the bottom bar, the top bar, the logo’s (maybe) and everything will be spelt correctly.

I hope you people continue to read my blog because I love it so and I want it to continue to be as successful if not more as it has been over the last two years. Things can only get better right?

Aaron, Big Screen Style, Blog Change.