Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Year End

The time of Christmas is hectic, especially when you have tons of work to do for uni just before the holiday period begins. This was me before I broke up from university on the 18th of December, since then I have been buying presents for everyone, spending time with family and most of all working. The break between Christmas and new year is usually a relaxing one for myself but I agreed to doing some extra hours at work. Of course I don't mind, it means more money for me, whereas on the other hand, I would just love to sit back and relax for a good week.

Christmas has been wonderful though, my parents bought me a new saxophone case (as my old one was falling apart), an electric shaver (which is just cool) and the Wii sports Resort game with the motion plus sensor. But I guess its not all about opening presents, its the giving that I love as well.

I know that my number of blogs this month have been bad, but it has been busy, and today I felt that it would be bad if I left a full month without a good blog and even worse if I didn't finish the year off with a couple of blogs too. Hopefully I will blog some interesting things tomorrow. Today all I can give you is words, but tomorrow there shall be a +Vert of the Year, Song of the Year, Book of the Year, Game of the Year, Daily Graphic of the Year, TV Programme of the Year, Gadget of the Year, Movie of the Year, Doodle Doo of the Year and Website of the Year. Then on the 31st (the last day of the year) I will write a reflection on the year as a whole.

I do hope you visit tomorrow and the next day for a whole range of interesting blogs. If you think you might forget; you can Subscribe to my RSS with the Subscribe button in the left hand column.

Aaron, Laptop Style. x