Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When I finish Uni at 6 I think to myself, 'I'm going to go home and eat, then I will do an assignment' I tell myself the same thing over and over again and think it even while I am reading the wonderful Harry Potter on the bus. When I get home I eat and then I think... 'do I really want to do this assignment. I guess I have no choice really, I have to do it, but I am just plain lazy and I end up on Facebook, Twitter and writing blogs.

Today however I have structured myself. I say. I have now eaten my tea, then I will spend about 30 mins on FB, Twitter and Blogger, then I will do my assignment. I WILL do it. Its ok... It will get done. Promise.

Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Social Networking

My world is online. Whatever your world, PC....
I spend a lot of time on my computer, my laptop, my phone, and a uni PC. Actually, It's rare that there is one day when I don't log into a computer. Facebook and twitter are just two of the most popular social networking sites on the internet and they are clearly taking over. People are beginning to complain about how they spend too much time of Facebook as there is so much you can do. But we are happy to accept the fact that technology is now becoming our social life. My opinion - its a good thing, Let it happen.

All I can say is that now that Facebook is around, the Kids on the street, they never miss a beat.

I'm saving for a new phone, hopefully one with a good browser, a nice interface and a QWERTY keypad. I might be asking for a lot there but it has to be perfect if I'm to be using it every day, and it will also come at a big price. Hopefully I will be blogging off a nice new phone soon. :)

Anyway, time is not on my side and I must sleep.
Good night. Aaron, Laptop Style. x

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Review - UP

Disney's Pixar's Latest Film Hits The Big Screen With High Spirits. Doesn't it?

If you went to watch the film then you will know how upsetting it really is. It makes men cry. But its not all depressing as the film encounters flying houses and talking dogs. This film may be a kids film but it is definitely entertaining for all ages. Take the kids to watch it, you won't regret it. Pixar don't stop there though, they are also recently released Toy Story 1 on 3D, Toy Story 2 will hit the big screens soon and next year (2010) they will continue the story with Toy Story 3!

We look forward to what else Pixar has to give us in the future, as it definitely seems to be going UP in my estimations.

Thats all from me.

Aaron, Laptop Style. UP :D. x

Cities XL

This is a Aaron's Blog Advertisement blog which features the Cities XL Game.

The game was released in October 2009 and completely destroys Sim City's Prev game play.
If you were thinking of buying or playing the game then go for it, It is truly amazing. The graphics are good, it looks like a city, and the menu's are not disappointing. If you are used to the Sim City game play then it may take you a while to get used to it but it is definitely worth it.

I think you should play it today.

have fun.

Aaron, Games, Laptop Style. x


Yes, I'm here. Eventually, I have some time. For myself ofc.

Today is Bonfire night. Bonfire night = Rain.

Well, the past few weeks has been hectic. I've been worrying about the assignment that I eventually handed in today. It's amazing to get rid of the pressure and makes me feel loads better. So finally I got time to blog.

Welcome to November. The trees have officially got rid of their leaves. Tree master says 'Its about time we finally got rid of our last leaves but over the next few years, some of the trees might be a little more hesitant to get rid of their leaves so early'.

At university I've also got another 4 assignments, 2 websites, a midi file and a flash animation.
It's all fun. I really love Flash and Midi, Web page design has alot of info but it is simple, group design should be fun, we have to design a website as a group of 5.

So Uni is good, there isn't really anything else any more, uni has sort of taken over. Work is still ok, getting a bit repetitive now, and I am a big fan of change.

So. I am happy now, that just now, I caught up with all of my Emails and posted this wonderful exploding (full of info) blog.

Have a nice bonfire night.

Aaron, Laptop (amazing) Style. x