Friday, February 22, 2008

I added my new speaker on my blog. He is just really an introducer. I decided to put him in old english, he makes me laugth each time i look at my blog. I hope you like him, he is funny!

Ive not posted for four days now, thats quite a long time!
I think i will just give you a list of what i might just do in the next week :D

*swimming on monday
*college all week
*composition - going back to comp 1 instead of 2
*practicing my sax, more often, i promised i would, specially my duets (ahh i hate those duets!)
*watch skins :D its top!
*hopefull lots more, if you wanna go out somewhere with me, let me know, i get so bored! :D

Well that's about it, unless i get more offeres :D

This week was quick, i hope the rest of this year goes that fast, 'specially weekends, work can be so boring somethimes, although it helps me forget ablut all the deadlines i have to make AHHH

I handed in my implementation report for my ICT CW today, it was great to get rid of it!

Well see yall soon, dont forget to invite me places :D

Aaron :D