Friday, June 06, 2008

Away with me

I am not actually here, i have put an aoutomated send for this blog post to be put up at 14:00
So this is blog 3 of the BIG test, and there are still 000000 visitors for today. How boring! :(

Well here is what i am going to post my picture of my clock and a poem about time.



Time, time, time
Make time, give time, take time out
Win time, cost time, the time of your life
Spend time, sell time, the good times and the bad
Kill time, zero time, all the time in the world
Time watch, time travel, time to begin
Time table, time square, can I fit you in
Time frame, time to go, time that you grew up
But tell me...
What time is it?

Poem by: Shaun William Hayes Adapted by Aaron

Aaron, The BIG test post 3, Laptop Style.
Visitors count: 0000000