Thursday, September 25, 2008

Love It when You Call

I found a switch, you turned it on
I hit the ditch, you carried on
I was so near now you're so far
Are you quite sure just who you are?

I'm Actually obsessed with this song! it makes me happy :D

Anyway... i couldn't think of a title so i thought i would make something up along with a little theme to today's post.

But i do prefer to speak to someone face to face, then Text/im, then phone call.

I hope you likes my Music blog today, i was rather bored and was supposed to be doing work. But i couldn't really be bothered.

I was supposed to go to parents evening tonight, but my brother has an Awards evening tonight also so my parents couldn't possibly be in two places at once.

Next blog will be a Daily Graphic :) - i do hope you like it, as i am working on it now.

Have a nice evening.

Remember me?
I used to be Your best-time buddy that you couldn't wait to see
We're get tin' old, it takes it's toll
And hearts getting broken leads to people growing cold....

Aaron Laptop Style x