Saturday, March 28, 2009

If I call your name out


I'm working on the blog, I am going to organise it into all the different aspects of Technology that I talk about on here and each will have their own 'Entrance Page' which will give information about each aspect and how I blog about them, but this won't happen until more posts are posted, so don't worry my posts will continue as normal, or may even get more frequent.

It's interesting to see how technology is evolving around us and sometimes we don't sit and think about how much it is influencing our lives. Sometimes we just let things happen, the evolution of technology is one of them. My blog is a good way to make you fully aware of all the different aspects of multimedia are helping us to live and work our lives.

My blog is evolving also, and I hope you are enjoying the change as much as I am.

Aaron, Multimedia, Laptop Style, x
