Welcome to a special report from +Vert.
Have you ever been sat at the bus stop and stared at the amazing advertisement that just completely makes you want to buy the product that it is selling. Well, I think that adverts on the bus shelters are amazing and its hard to beat them, but campaigns nowadays have to do their best to make people more attracted than before... specially with the current financial crisis. I have chosen two of my top favourite bus shelter campaigns.
The top one being the o2 surprises of all sizes which is a hollow bus shelter with water in the middle, the ducks which are featured in the TV add placed in the middle with hooks on their head. You can see right through the shelter.

The second one on my list has to be another hollow shelter. I'm not fond of the shoes that Puma are trying to sell, it almost makes me think that the advertisement has to work over load to make the trainers more sell able because they just aren't attractive at all, but it sure works. The shelter on this one is also hollow with the trainers in different angles and you can see through the shelter. Clever right?

I hope you enjoyed today's +Vert! There will be more interesting things to look out for tomorrow and the rest of this week including tomorrows Doodle Doo and another +Vert during the week.
Congrats to o2 and Puma, for their wonderful contribution to the +Vert world!
Aaron, +Vert, Laptop Style. x
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