Friday, May 29, 2009

Can You Draw Music Like This


Welcome to today's +Vert special. Today's is very exciting. Over the past few weeks I've seen an increase of the number of adverts that use the art of drawing mixed with music as their key theme to catch their audiences attention. Today I am going to do something I've never done before, I am going to blog about three adverts in one. The two seperate advert campaigns are Scrabble and Jotun Lady Paint.

First up is Scrabble:


and Finally we have the 'Take me on' paint advert which uses the idea's from the 80's A-ha song 'Take on me' and uses the same music, it is a clever twist! I think the Ad is from Norway. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed the three video's! I'm off to watch The Simpsons Movie! I may post a good morning post tomorrow to catch up on what I will be doing this waw weekend.

Aaron, Laptop Style, +Vert. x



valerie said...

didnt like the scrabble ones =S
loved the take on me one =] love the so love the music video that woman was soo gonna kill her husband i was like aww!

the word verification is dousisms.. real word? i think it should be =D